Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hierachal Progression

Here are my designs for the project. I am using the phrase:

"Dreaming is Only the Beginning. Imagine the Possibilities."

I chose this phrase, well one becasue my wife told it to me, and two I think that there is a lot to go with this. The first image I chose because it uses the primary colors and the color for the first part of the phrase is blue and the second part is red with "the" as being blue in the first and having the same font as the second.

This second image, to me, looks like a dream. With the wavy text and the black background.

This last image I put the test vertical on the left side with "imagine the possibilities" coming off of the first part of the phrase. I wanted to leave the rest of the image blank to resemble what the phrase means but I chose to use the leaf stamp and add some into the image.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Letter Form

This assignment was fun to do and made have a better understanding of type. I first chose to use the black and white checkered background because of the perfect contrast that they have. The letters are of course the first letter of my first name and all of the type have some resemblance of myself.

Contrast Studies

The idea behind this image is the heart that is among the stars. The stars in the image are shown as repetition. And for the reason of reputation I chose to leave in part of the stars. And the colored in area that is a heart shape. One thing that I like about this is that how each row of stars makes the hearts a different direction. I feel that the heart in this image looks good and that it is represented okay.

This image, to me, not only highlights the red dot but also shows depth. The way that the dots are different sizes are spiraling outwards, gives the feeling that the dots are getting closer to you. At the same time the red dot draws your attention to it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009



I chose this image because of the orientation of the eyes. They are in the center and big. They are easy to see and understand.


I chose this image for dominance because of the yellow mug against the black mugs. Plus the superhero on the yellow mug stands out.


I chose this image because the tread marks in the snow along with the way the sled is angled makes it look like the sled is moving in the snow.

Color and Season

I chose to do winter, well because that is all that it is right now. The two images were taken the same day when it was snowing. The font, I thought, went well and told you that the season was winter by the lumps of snow on the edges of the type. Alone I could have used just the font and nothing else.

I made the main part of the font a dark blue and then colored in the snow drifts with a lighter blue. The solid color on the background was taken with the eyedrop tool that I used to take the color from the snow in the image with the sled.

At the end of this I hope that you get a better feeling of winter.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Graphic Animals

I love penguins and this project was great to show the difference in there color. The are mostly black and white in nature and these two icons that I made represent that. The can be a symbol for many things. I chose to put two together to show the symbol of a heart.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Expressive Type and Design

For Stodgy, I tried just to use the most boring font and color. I did not do much with the image because it is supposed to be boring and not that appealing.

This one had to be my favorite one to do. I used a font that was very thick and squished together. The best part of this is the use of layers to add the slimy feel to the typeface. I added a dark green to give it the feel like it is ooze. Also I added a drop shadow effect to make it look like it has depth.

For Ornate I used very simple colors and a very eloquent typeface. I added the flower for a feel of peace.

I feel I could have done more with this one. I added the box to make it look like there was something crushing the type.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Orientation Quiz

A. Something that is going well in my life is my wife, daughter and baby on the way.

B. Some of my specific goals for this class is to learn how to use graphic design for the work place.

C. My first experience with design, computers and imaging technology was great, I love it, and I do not know how we ever lived without it.

D. I prefer to use a Mac, because it is by far the best for graphic design.

E. My experience level with other image editing programs is limited as I have not used to many other programs.

F. Something I like about my day today was when I got to go home from work. It was a killer day.

G. I would like to start using it for designing product for my job and for the future.

H. I like to do projects that fun and challenging.

I. To make the class go very well for me I will need to stay on task and have fun.

J. I am always on the computer making things, mostly videos.

K. Milton Glaser is the designer of the I Love NY logo. He has also designed things like album covers, advertisements and many more.
Saul Bass is the designer who created the AT&T Logo and has made many animated titles for movies.

L. No I do not own or have access to a color image scanner, that I know of.

M. I will be using Adobe Photoshop CS4


This blog is set up for my CIOS 108 class. Hope you enjoy